Anna Behnke- Occupational Therapist

Anna Behnke – Occupational Therapist
Anna founded and owns The Sensory Clinic.

Anna Behnke is originally from Scotland and has worked in several different countries as an Occupational Therapist. Qualified in 1995 with a postgraduate in Occupational Therapy from London University she began extensive training in Paediatrics in 1996. Since then Anna has completed various courses and gained training in specific areas to provide therapy for children on the Autism Spectrum, children with developmental delay, attention deficit disorders, visual perceptual disorders, sensory processing disorders, neurological conditions, physical disabilities, difficulties with fine motor and handwriting skills, motor planning and praxis difficulties, cognitive delays and children with difficulties in developing their self care skills.

Anna is a highly regarded paediatric therapist and her services are often requested by numerous health organisations.
Throughout her career Anna has developed many in-service training sessions for colleagues and other health professionals and regularly presents her work at universities, organisations and conferences.